Famous Esperance Pink Lake fades, leaving tourists confused – ABC News 發布於2017年11月18日
看了這則新聞與影片後,心想影片中這個聞名的澳洲粉紅湖怎麼可能短短時間內就消失了呢?於是查了一下資料 → Pink Lake,有網友說:“ It’s not Pink anymore. Went 3 times in a week, but white every time.” 還有人說:“ No longer pink. I saw this lake 10 years ago when it was still pink and it was quite amazing. Unfortunately it is no longer pink and therefore it is now just a large lake.”
其實這則 ABC news 提及的的 Pink Lake 是指 “Lake Spencer“,不是先前那篇《粉紅湖之謎》的 “Lake Hillier“。因此該則影片標題【澳洲粉紅湖一夜消失】卻誤用 Lake Hillier 來說明,顯然是張冠李戴,這誤會可大了!
另外,墨西哥也有一個粉紅湖 Las Coloradas